John, 22
Born in Tripoli, Lebanon
Came to Australia in October 2000

How did we meet?
John was introduced to me by Safaa (Iraq).
What is your occupation?
I am a full-time electrician, in the 2nd year of my apprenticeship at the moment.
Why did you come to Australia?
My parents chose to flee Lebanon in the late ‘90s as they didn't see a bright future for my older siblings or me in the country, which is beautiful but ruined by corrupt politics and decades of civil war. My uncles and aunts had already established prosperous lives in Australia during the 90s, and so this country, western Sydney in particular, was an obvious choice which we do not regret.
What do you like about Sydney?
Sydney is a great place to live and work. The many opportunities, the multiculturalism and the access to all the necessary resources and leisure activities were essential for me growing up, and my family in establishing ourselves. The fact that Sydney has a thriving Lebanese community, but also gives you the chance to experience other cultures is something my family & I cherish.
What don’t you like about Sydney?
Sydney has its downfalls. The expensive cost of living, the subtle racism and the general isolated attitude of the majority of its inhabitants were hard to adapt to at times, and sometimes still are.
What would you like to say to Sydneysiders?
To Sydneysiders, I say thank you for taking my family on board many years ago, we love each and every one of you guys but you can stand to be a little kinder to your neighbour.
What languages do you speak?
English, Arabic (native)
Teach us one word/phrase from your native language.
A simple yet cherished phrase is Marhaba, which means hello in Arabic. Will get a connection going with almost any Arab if you start off with this word!
What is one thing you want us to know about your native country?
My native country is a gorgeous, prosperous land filled with beautiful, caring and harmless people. Unfortunately, corruption in politics and the inhumane acts that stem from this issue have ruined the once great nation, but it'll rise again thanks to its determined people.
In your opinion, who is the most famous person in your native country?
Based on what I've seen in the media, the most famous person in my native country would have to be the singer, Fares Karam.
He seems to be a household name for Lebanese people, and they generally like his music, people of all ages are fans so I see him as someone who’s famous in the country.
What is the best dish in your native country?
The best dish would have to be tabouli, the famous salad made with finely chopped vegetables and parsley.
It’s a household dish that the majority of Lebanese people anywhere in the world make and enjoy regularly.
Disclaimer: All posts are personal opinions and perspectives of the interviewees and are not a perfect representation of the whole country/experience.