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Vietnam 🇻🇳

Anh (Aiden), 22

Born in Ufa, Russia and heritage is from Hanoi, Vietnam

Came to Australia in July 2016

How did we meet?

Aiden, as he prefers to be called, and I met at a Cultural Mentor Program orientation session. We had a great conversation about geography- how typical of me.

What is your occupation?

I graduated in September 2019 with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Finance and Accounting.

I work in the aged-care and disability services provider as a Finance Officer. I’m very grateful that it hasn’t been impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic as it is deemed an essential service.

Why did you come to Australia?

I already had an older brother who was already studying here at the time and I really liked Australia.

Even though I was studying at a good university in America, Australia seemed like a nicer environment in which to stay long-term. This is a very shortened version of events.

What do you like about Sydney?

The best thing about Sydney is the weather, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. I have lived in all sorts of climates and Sydney’s weather is just the best.

It’s so multicultural- you can explore many parts of the world in just one city.

I would say the Sydney Harbour is gorgeous as well, it makes for a great background during my morning runs.

What don’t you like about Sydney?

Infrastructure is built pretty slowly here coming from an Asian perspective, without even mentioning the light rail.

Trading hours are very short in Sydney! Sometimes when you finish work, I don’t get back to the city till 7 pm and everything’s closed already.

What would you like to say to Sydneysiders?

Despite all the drawbacks, you should realise that you’re truly living in one of the world’s great cities. Never forget that you are lucky to be here, appreciate what’s around you and what you take for granted.

Instead of complaining, work towards improving the city that you live in.

What languages do you speak?

English is actually hands down my best language.

I also speak Vietnamese and Russian since those were my first languages and I know intermediate German as well.

Teach us one word/phrase from your native language.

ThÆ°Æ¡ng- in Southern Vietnamese it basically means to love.

However, as a Northerner, we use it more to feel for or pity someone. It’s difficult to translate into English but it’s a positive word.

What is one thing you want us to know about your native country?

There is a northern part of Vietnam and there is a southern part. The large proportion of the Vietnamese diaspora in Australia is from the southern part of Vietnam because of historical reasons.

The northern part has its own culture and its cuisine so you should really explore it more. Marrickville is a great spot for northern Vietnamese food- that’s a bit of a tip for the foodies out there.

Who is the most famous person in your native country?

Ho Chi Minh- I know this is controversial. Let’s just say do your own research.

He’s the founding father of our country.

What is the best dish in your native country?

bun cha - rice vermicelli with grilled pork.

It’s the only dish that I truly crave because you cannot really find it in Sydney. Very few places do it and even then, those ones aren’t as good as back home. I highly advise you guys to try it!

Disclaimer: All posts are personal opinions and perspectives of the interviewees and are not a perfect representation of the whole country/experience.


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