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Mozambique 🇲🇿

Vanessa, 24

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa and heritage is from Maputo, Mozambique

Came to Australia in January 2015.

How did we meet?

Vanessa and I are both part of the inaugural Graduate Program at SUEZ; she is the Business Graduate whereas I am the Finance Graduate.

What is your occupation?

I am currently a Business Graduate at SUEZ Australia and New Zealand and I studied a Masters of International Economics and Finance at the University of Queensland.

Why did you come to Australia?

Even though my mother tongue is Portuguese, I did my primary and secondary education in English and most of my friends went to study at either South Africa or UK universities. I wanted something different, so I ended up coming to Australia.

I was also attracted to the Australian climate as it is similar to Mozambique’s.

What do you like about Sydney?

The entertainment, beaches, cute little cafes and other eclectic places. It’s not quite New York but there’s always something to do.

I’ve been in quarantine for 2 months so I’m itching to explore more, like the Blue Mountains, Palm Beach etc.

What don’t you like about Sydney?

I’ve noticed road rage- people need to chill and relax.

Public transport- please. It’s horrible! For example, I wanted to take a bus to Manly via the City from my Leichhardt home. The bus just never came and I had to run to make the train- Tripview said the bus was coming!

What would you like to say to Sydneysiders?

I recommend that you experience all the different cultures that Sydney has to offer! There’s much more than meets the eye.

When I first moved here, I used websites like MeetUp and other expatriate websites where you can meet people from all over the world.

What languages do you speak?

English, Portuguese (native), Spanish

I learnt Spanish by watching Mexican telenovelas when I was young.

Teach us one word/phrase from your native language.

Khanimambo- this is a Changana word for thank you. My parents speak Changana, a Bantu language but I actually don’t speak much, unfortunately.

Our parents encouraged us to learn the lingua franca, which was Portuguese and then English so that’s why I never actually learnt Changana.

What is one thing you want us to know about your native country?

I can count with my hands how many people I have met that know of Mozambique since coming to Australia. That’s surprising because our people are so warm and welcoming so you’ll feel right at home, regardless of nationality.

There’s a lot of art and pristine beaches, Victoria’s Secret models often have their photoshoots taken there since there’s no paparazzi. The culture is very rich as well. You have to go to Maputo but most people go to Inhambane.

Who is the most famous person in your native country?

That would be the first president, Samora Machel. He was the pioneer of independence for Mozambique and also was a major player in the fight for independence for neighbouring countries such as South Africa during apartheid and Rhodesia which later became Zimbabwe.

His wife is also interesting because she married Nelson Mandela after Machel was killed.

What is the best dish in your native country?

Matapa curry- it’s so good. It’s a very rich and different mix of flavours that you thought would never go together, like cassava leaves, coconut, peanuts, coloured greens, garlic, shrimp.

I tried to make it in Sydney, it’s nice but the ingredients aren’t the same! I would be using fresh coconuts back home but where can you find coconut trees here?

Disclaimer: All posts are personal opinions and perspectives of the interviewees and are not a perfect representation of the whole country/experience.


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